Shape Sorters are classic toddler toys – here’s five reasons why I’d recommend them, along with top tips on how to get the best out of this fabulous toy.
1. Shape Sorters are fun
Generations of youngsters have tried to match different shapes with different holes and many have clapped in delight when they have done it right! It’s simple and fun – and that’s why every child in the UK probably played with one as a child.
2. The Puzzle gets harder as the child develops
Young children start with the easy blocks – round blocks into round holes and square blocks into square holes. But once they have mastered that, then the child can move on to more complex shapes like stars and crosses. The puzzle evolves with the child therefore making it much more enjoyable to play with.
3. Shape Sorters promote good hand-eye co-ordination from an early age
Between 12 and 18 months, most children start to develop hand-eye co-ordination. Picking a block up off the floor and then turning it so that it will fit into the right hole is a perfect way to develop these skills. What appears to be a simple, fun task is actually highly educational and the child can make a solid start in this area without being put under pressure.
4. Shape Sorters encourage problem solving
Once the child understands what it is that they need to do, then the shape sorter puzzle will help them to work things out as they go along. This is a key life skill, which the child will need for the rest of their life. So the sooner the child realizes that you can become successful just by constantly trying different things out, the better.
5. Shape sorters are fun to do together
We all love to help our children do well. And there are millions of adults around the world who enjoy getting down on their hands and knees and helping a toddler to complete the shape sorter puzzle. Sometimes it is difficult to tell who is more thrilled when the block goes into the hole – the adult or the child! A simple game that can be played by adults and toddlers; a puzzle which stimulates the brain and develops long-term life skills – that’s why shape sorters always will be a timeless classic loved by everyone.
Four Great Tips on how to use shape sorters with your toddler
Tip 1: Start with the easy shapes
Don’t be surprised if your toddler just empties out all the blocks at first and randomly tries to jam any piece through the holes. They may need a little help, so begin by taking the simpler shapes, like circles, squares, and triangles and show them how they fit into their holes. As your child progresses you can then introduce the more difficult shapes and build on the knowledge that they have just gained
Tip 2: Talk to your child about what you see
As you play with the puzzle, talk to your child about the names of the shapes, the colours and anything else that’s relevant. There’s so much that you can talk about and you’ll be amazed at how much information your child can learn from you just by doing this simple puzzle. And just by you interacting and playing with your child you’ll be helping them develop language, mathematical and listening skills without you probably even realizing it.
Tip 3: Guide their hand so that they understand what to do
At first your child may need some help to understand how the puzzle works. You can help them by holding their hand lightly and by guiding their hand so that they pick up a block and then find the right hole to put it in. However …… don’t force the situation and don’t just do it for your child! Help them – yes, but let them move their hand freely.
Tip 4: Trial and error is best
Some children are adamant that they can ‘Do it all by themselves.’ If that’s the case with your child, then let them try and work the puzzle out for themselves. Only give help as and when needed. The more you can let them have a try the better. Soon with lots of encouragement and praise they’ll be sorting like pros and having great fun in the process. And remember that just by playing they’re beginning to recognize colours, shapes and maybe even a number or two!
Have you ever helped your child with shape sorters? I’d love to hear from you if you have any other experiences we can all learn from.
Blog by Lisa Bradburn
Lisa is the managing director of what2buy4kids. Lisa’s wish is to make your job of finding a gift for the children in your life easier, or help you to take some of the time and frustration out of the search for that special gift for kids.
You can follow her on Twitter @what2buy4kids and Facebook